It’s no secret if you follow me at all, that I love two things! 1. Connection and 2. Mother and child images. In fact, I’ve started a whole project devoted to MOTHERchild images!
But nothing grabs my heartstrings more than a newborn and their mommy! These images are some of my favorite to shoot, but can also be some of the most challenging! I thought I’d share a few tips for those of you who are thinking about having newborn pictures taken and those of you who are photographers and are interested in capturing these sweet shots. Here are a few tips
- I typically do these at the end of the session, after we’ve captured some very sweet solo shots!
- I use a heater to help keep baby nice and warm (be careful with this) and you will want to warn mom about this ahead of time, that it will be super warm.
- I always want to make sure I see faces….this is one of the hardest things to achieve, but also one of the things that will help to set your images apart. Make sure you are turning the baby’s face outward, that hands (both moms and baby’s) are not covering the baby’s face.
- I always make sure the baby is nice and asleep before I place in mom’s arms, one of the problems is that if mom is nursing, baby will smell mom and become restless if they are at all hungry.
- I advise my mom’s to bring what they are going to wear to the studio and change right before we do the family shots, I also encourage them to let me “wrap” them instead of wearing clothes. The simplicity of a wrap and the skin on skin makes a huge difference in the shots.
- I always want baby as curled as possible and as close to mom as possible, this means squishing their little feet and nuzzling their head next to moms.
- Take your time, it’s often at the end of the session and everyone is tired, but these shots are so important, take your time, assure mom that you will capture them.
- If baby was waking up toward the end of the solo shots, make sure mom gives them a feeding before these. It will help to have baby very full and content.
- Keep these shots simple…focus on the connection between mom and babe. I tend to try to keep my images more organic and as natural as possible, but this is style…just keep things consistent!
I’m super excited to share these GORGEOUS mom and baby shots. These two were just made to be photographed. Mom is just beautiful and sweet baby boy with all his cheeks and that beautiful skin! LOVE!