Puppy Newborn Session: Burlington Newborn Photographer

I’m so thankful for a day of rest! You know those days when you can take a deep breath and truly relax for a few moments.  Where you can actually finish a mug of your favorite hot drink and curl on the couch.  That is what today has been after an incredibly busy few days.  Working on fun things, working with incredible people, lots of family stuff!  These are the types of weekends that make me so thankful for what I do.  It’s these times when I just have to try to look around and realize what I’ve been given.   The next few weeks are busy with beach sessions, weddings and seniors but we wouldn’t have it any other way!

I wanted to take a few moments and post this sweet newborn session…HA!  isn’t he adorable!  Meet Hank!  He’s the sweetest English bulldog and I loved hanging with him at the studio.  Honestly, I love working with pets.  People always ask me if they can bring their dogs to their session and I welcome them…I love it as they are such a part of your family and it always makes for the most adorable images!  I know Hank’s Mom and Dad are so glad he’s here and even his big brother…you can see them in this beautiful orchard session we shot here 

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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