Monday Museings: Greensboro Baby Photographer

It was a marathon week last week with lots of coffee, very little sleep and loads of fall sessions!  So as I reflect on the last week, there are a few things that I thought I’d highlight for this weeks Monday Musings!

  • Fall:  I love everything about fall!  I love the fact that it gets darker earlier (yes I know I’m weird) I love fall scents, I love the colors and cooler temps, I love fall clothes, I love fall sports and the crispness in the air.  I love the anticipation of the holiday season and the talk of Christmas.  I love counting down the days until Christmas music plays, and I love fall foods (PUMPKIN) it’s just my favorite time of the year and I’m so happy that I get to be out and doing my job in the middle of it all!  The colors this fall have been awesome…this last week we had great weather and we had some awesome family, baby and senior sessions.
  • Halloween:  It was super busy and fun!  So many cute costumes dropped by the studio for Spooktacular!  My kiddos were 1. a kissy face emoji and a teenager LOL
  • Seasonal Help!  We are looking for a few individuals to help in the studio to get us ready for Christmas!  These individuals will receive in exchange for their help…a complimentary mini session and images!  If you are interested…please shoot us an email at!
  • Personally:  If you didn’t read this post…please do!  It kind of tells you where we are with things here at SAP.  We did get a bunch of inquires and applications for the position and we are sorting through all of them.  So excited about where things are headed.
  • My Hats:  One of the many hats I wear is co-chair for the Alamance County Service League’s Holly Days Bazar!  We are so excited about this!  First, there are fabulous vendors, I will be doing santa sessions and we have amazing baked goods that always sell out and are a staple in so many households for the holidays.  The service league serves our county is so many ways and this is one of our BIG fundraisers so we are excited about seeing so many friends out there!
  • November Special offer:  If you are expecting…you might want to look at this offer!  It’s pretty awesome!
  • Fall Sessions:  We are still getting inquires for fall pictures and yes we do have some limited availability…but it’s pretty limited!  So if you are looking for pictures for your family this fall…contact the studio so we can get you on the calendar!

I can not believe this little munchkin is already 6 months…such a cutie!  I am in love with his mile stone session from the lullaby club!  He’s so cute, lots of great smiles and so much personality!

Thank you little T for being so much fun!  I have loved watching you grow!


Do you remember this???


Decided to get the little Lion in his 6th month session too…LOVE seeing how he grows!






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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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