I {heart} this family! Look at all the beautiful faces! Burlington NC Family Photographer

It truly is the most wonderful time of the year.  I love this time of Thanksgiving (my favorite holiday) and Christmas.  It’s my favorite time of the year and this year I am determined to enjoy it and not get bogged down.  Someone recently said that November is to photographers as April is to accountants and I can totally attest, but I’m going to work work work so that when December rolls around, I can enjoy my family and kiddos!

We are still shooting sessions ….this weekend on the books is Santa, Teen Shoot and Quick Shots!  So many beautiful faces to be photographed.  I can not wait!  There’s a chill in the air that really brings home that we are editing closer to Christmas.

I have had the pleasure of capturing this family several times.  You can see the beautiful mom here and their birth session here.  This time we headed out to a farm and I love their images…I especially love these kids eyes…they are the most beautiful!  Thank you Potts family, you are a beautiful family inside and out!







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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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