One of My Favorite Things About My Job: NC Class of 2016 Photographer

WOW!  B.U.S.Y is a complete understatement…there was a time in the last week when I truly wondered if we were going to make it.  So many deadlines, it’s always that way at this time of the year, but I’m working extremely hard to get everything done (fall sessions) by the end of the week (which is my anniversary) and I would like to be able to have some assemblance of celebrating Christmas this year.  People always ask me “do you take the whole month of December off?” the answer is NO!  I still have newborns arriving, and 1st year sessions etc, but it definitely slows down to a pace that is manageable .    This is actually the first weekend that I will not have to shoot in nearly 6 months ….that’s crazy to me…but I know it’s part of my job.  And every time I feel completely overwhelmed, I take a moment and say “thank you” as it’s still humbles me to think that this little business is supporting my family as my husband is in school full time, that it’s because of all the amazing clients that I get to shoot day in and day out and for that, even in the crazy, I am blessed.  I love the fact that my job is pretty seasonal, we learn to prepare for it.

One of the other things about my of the things that I love, is that I get to document my young clients growth.  I can see from year to year how they mature, their big mile stones, how their interest grow and change.  It’s extremely fun both in the first year (my Lullaby Club clients) and then also my teens.  Such big changes!  I am always amazed when I can look back at past sessions and see it visually.

This beautiful young woman, and I do mean BEAUTIFUL in every sense of the word.  Has grown before my eyes!  My first time photographing her was during a family session when she was 12…and now she’s a senior, ready to head off to college, and take on the world.  She’s an amazing athlete, student, daughter, but most of all her heart is so genuine!  I was so honored when she asked me to capture her senior pictures.

Her mom, is the amazing Jamie D’Agostino, Make up artist and I’m blessed to call her my dear friend, whom I daily wish was just down the street.

We headed out to this farm, which is the home to this amazing florist who uses it for her workspace and workshops.  How fun is that?  The weather was beautiful, the lighting perfect and the fall colors had just begun to change!




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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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