Holden Beach Family Photographer: Beautiful Beach Session

I don’t have much time today…but I wanted to share these images…..they are just some of my favorite.  I met this sweet (large) family at Holden Beach!  13 grandkids and all!  What fun did we have.  I love watching cousins play and interact.  You will see in one picture…though they are not all looking at the camera…they (all the grandkids) are trying to make the baby smile.  LOVE!

So there are a whole lot of images…grab some coffee and enjoy!

This is where it all began…these two beautiful souls!  You can tell so much about parents but their grown kids…and this was no exception. The love…the fun…they just oozed family!

2015-07-13_00352015-07-13_0044Look at those kiddos…1-13!  How cute is this!

This was the shot I was talking about…look at all those kiddos trying to make baby G smile.  It was a family effort!




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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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