The First Inkling Something Was Wrong and a Beautiful Bohemian Birthday Party: Greensboro Photographer

It was a warm day…probably one of the hottest yet this spring and as I began to do this shoot (the one below…this amazing gorgeously styled shoot), I had to sit down as I was feeling pretty faint, light headed, and just foggy brained!  I got a drink and chalked it up to being just super busy and tired (something I am a lot)

For a few months, I had been feeling weaker, more exhausted than normal, and just not right.  It was hard to explain the brain fog, the extreme emotions I was having, and just not feeling good.  I kept saying “I just don’t feel good”  But let’s face it, life is stressful and my life these days is off the charts when it comes to all that goes on in my day to day!  I thought maybe it was hormonal, maybe it was my iron (as I’ve been anemic) maybe I was going crazy, but I just kept plugging along!

Last week I went with a friend Suzanne from A Crazy Blonde Life (who by the way is responsible for the beautiful and most yummy cheese board below) to a Pure Barre Class.  I was going to photograph her and the studio there and participate as much as I could.  In the beginning of the class, my world started spinning.  I crawled to the bathroom (yes crawled) was super disoriented and was even splashing toilet water on me to prevent from passing out!  Something was definitely wrong!

That day ended with me fainting, dropping things, clumsy, and just not at all well.  It was time to call the dr (something I hate) I got in and she checked my hemoglobin (3 times actually) and it was low…dangerously low…like nearly dead low. Immediately to the hospital they sent me…and I started blood transfusions.    Since then (last Thursday) I’ve had a total of 4 transfusions and 2 iron infusions and thankfully my hemoglobin is up to 8 (it was at 2.2) and I’m feeling better.  Still not myself and my hematologist told me that I probably would not feel great for another 6 months (after more blood and iron)

I realized how truly stubborn I am, how I don’t do a good job of taking care of the most precious gift God has given me…life!  That it’s scary for those around me and that’s not fair to them.  As women, as business owners we put so much on the back burner, right?  We don’t listen to the small signals that our body or our lives send us that we need to change or do something.  In the end, it’s selfish, even though our hearts are to be totally unselfish.  For me, I didn’t have the time because I needed to work, I didn’t have the $$ as I knew insurance would not cover a lot of it, I didn’t have the emotional strength to begin a series of doctors visits…but none of that matters if Im not around. So I DO have the time.  I need to MAKE the time.  It’s the best way I can serve those around me.  My family, my client, my God….I journaled in the hospital about how in my desire to protect those around me, I actually made it worse.  I’m so very thankful that my issues are treatable, so many deal with issues that, unless God heals them, are permanent and scary.  So for that I’m so thankful, I just need to be a better steward.    We are only given this life once, and though I feel that I do my best to live it to the fullest, if I’m not here, then none of that matters!

So that day that I started this post about…that beautiful bohemian birthday shoot, well I’m super excited to feature it!  Though I was dizzy and could hardly see straight, I’m so thankful for all those who put so much time and effort into it!

Simply Lovely Events by Samantha Laparra just hit it out of the park.  The hours, the time, the energy, the vision the work….its all hers!  She’s an amazing event planner and designer and if you love all things natural and pretty, she’s definitely your girl!

Lush provided the beautiful jewelry that the girls wore…her pieces were perfect!

A Crazy Blonde Life did the amazing cheese board…so yummy!  The girls loved it and there was nothing left!

My Succulent Obsession provided those gorgeous succulents.  I just love them!

Rudimentary Decor for the invite and lettering!

So here they are…these beautiful tweens, this gorgeous setting, all the hard work done by those above!

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