She’s Got The Look: Greensboro Model Photographer

It’s been a crazy busy week but I wanted to get these beautiful images up and featured on the blog! This week alone we’ve had

  • 1 newborn
  • 2 1 year olds
  • 5 month old
  • 9 month old
  • 2 family’s of 4
  • 3 head shots
  • family of 7
  • taught 8 awesome women in our Camera Camp
  • Did an online mentorship with an amazing new shop (more to come)
  • Designed 4 albums and two birth announcements
  • attended 3 meetings about some BIG plans for our studio

Does that exhaust you like it does me???  We have about 3 more weeks of crazy…and then we can start to slow down a bit!

Isn’t she just stunning?  We still have 1 more teen from this shoot to feature (tomorrow) and then 3 high school seniors ….as you can see, it’s that time of year!

Katy (my fabulous make up artist) and I have one more spot left for November 7th’s Teen Shoot!  We can not wait as fall pictures are the best!

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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