Lessons Learned This Week …Don’t Miss Number 4: Chapel Hill Photographer

Oh My Goodness!!!! Can I just say what a week it’s been!  I’m currently packing the 4 of us to head in four different directions next week.  Makaley’s class trip heads to the wilderness,  Micah heads to New Orleans, I’m going to Nashville and Chris is going to go hang with his folks at the beach.. This on the heals of a few day stay in the hospital and two filled up teen shoots!  I’m trying so hard to keep all the balls in the air, but I’m sure a few will fall!  I’ve learned a few things this week and thought I would share my heart and thoughts!

  1.  Our kids are so resilient!  This past week, I’ve been so heavy hearted at times for my kiddos…nothing really big, but just feeling the weight and pressures that they feel.  I realized, that they are so much stronger than I give them credit for.  That they are pushing through, finding their place in this big world, learning hard lessons, but holding their head high!  That makes me so proud!
  2. Laundry and dirty dishes are okay on the floor and in the sink:  Yes you heard me say it, I have looked at this basked of laundry and folded laundry stacks for over a week now.  It’s been a crazy week and every time I look at it, I think (Sara-Anne, you stink as a housewife)  I know I do, but you know what?  I do really well in so many other things!  I attend soccer games even when it’s hard, I have a much needed coffee break with a friend, I cook yummy dinners and I run a business…so if laundry and dishes are not my thing, it’s OK!  That basket may sit there another week until I get back home!
  3. I love that fall is officially here, but I’m really not a fan of Pumpkin Spice Everything!  I thought I loved it, I really did, I do love the smell of pumpkin spice, but I don’t like the flavor…this week I had a pumpkin spice latte (not a fan) I had pumpkin cream cheese on a bagel (yuck) and I had some pumpkin spice cookies…(they were okay) I love the thought, but I don’t like Pumpkin spice!
  4. God ALWAYS orders our steps!  I’m just so amazed when I look back at the things that happen in our life, I’m able to see how He knits it all together!  This week, I got really sick out during a beach session, my hemoglobin was dangerously low, thankfully the two sisters that I was photographing, were nurses and knew just what to do and how to help!  They were amazing and took me to the hospital (which thankfully is close to my in laws) and all is well.  After some crazy doctors appointments, and feeling so lost and discouraged, I remembered a client, that was  a specialist in the area I needed.   I texted her, mortified, but feeling at a loss.  I was so nervous about crossing those professional boundaries, but felt that God put her in my path for a reason.  Sure enough, she was perfect for what I needed and I’m finally at the point where I’m getting some help…after countless doctors and hospital stays this summer! So if you are struggling right now, know that God is weaving it all…your tapestry is beautiful from His vantage point!
  5. So many things in life are marathons and not sprints!  Hard hard lesson for me to learn and one that seems to whap me upside the head weekly, but this week, I’ve really had to take that concept to heart!  That the race that I’m running with all my goals and dreams are not meant to happen with the click of the finger. That its  the process of running the race, of training, of preparing that I’m suppose to focus on.  Yes the finish is important, but for me, the process, the waiting is even more so!

So I’m thrilled to share this little cuite’s 1 year pictures!  Everything about him is simply adorable…those baby blues, the dimples and is little grin!  I have grown to love his parents as they have played an important part in my kids life…more than they know!  They serve whole heartedly…I mean, they spent their anniversary with 100 teens at a weekend away!  They have deep rooted character and they have embraced parenthood with joy and grace!  Thank you so much Johnson family for allowing me to capture Mr Kaiden!

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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