Senior Pictures–Western Alamance High School: Burlington NC Senior Pictures

Senior Pictures, Burlington NC: 
I’m not sure where the time goes…and I certainly can not believe that we are closing in on May!  My kids only have a few weeks more left of school and things are definitely finishing up!  I feel like we were just beginning school, anyone else there with me?  Here in Burlington, our weather has been pretty chilly …STILL and spring portrait sessions have been hard to schedule, but we have and I’m thankful for flexible clients!  We’re back in senior mode as we have had quite a few senior pictures lately….the class of 2018 has been rocking it!

I’ve worked with this family for quite a long time, his mom was actually one of my very first clients here in Burlington years ago, and since then, I’ve had the pleasure of capturing different moments, headshots, and even Santa pictures.  So when she called and said that Brandon got his braces off and needed senior pictures we got him scheduled!  What a handsome young man!  One of the things I love the most about our portrait process, is the fact that it’s more than just show up and take a few pictures, and that’s it, I get some time with my clients, I get to know things about them, I get to hear about where they are in life and they become part of our family …the Sara-Anne Photography family!  So back to Brandon!

Brandon came to the studio on a windy windy day and a sparkle in his eye!  I enjoyed learning about the meaning of his t-shirt (from a church camp he has attended for years) and his goals of attending Liberty University in the fall to pursue youth ministry.  I hear about how God called him into ministry and how he has a huge heart for missions.  He shared about his trips to Guatemala and India and how they changed his life!  What a special young man!  Brandon, I loved working with you, I love how your pictures represent you and your style and I love that you shared your heart so openly!  I know that God has big plans for your life!  Congratulations as you finish up your senior year at Western Alamance High School!

Senior pictures burlington NCStylish senior portraits burlington ncburlington nc senior photographer

Senior pictures Burlington NC



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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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