Beautiful Orchard Session: Elon Family Photographer

Today’s blog is going to be kind of all over the place!  Kind of a mish mosh of things!

  • The warm weather must have people thinking about pictures as we booked 6 sessions today!  YIKES!  I have to say we have NO availability for weekends through June so if you would like to get on our calendar, and need a weekend date, you really need to contact us soon!
  • I’ve had lots of questions about the Mom & Me sessions!  For the most part…all 65 of them are booked with the exception of a few random spots.  If you would like to join the fun…here’s the link
  • Beach Sessions!  Oh how we love them and we can not wait to get our toes in the sand!  Here is all the information that you will need for those!
  • Teen Shoot!  We have 1 spot left for next week and we’d love to have your daughter!
  • I’m still recovering from pnuemonia…it’s been a long haul and now with allergies Oye…but I’m getting there!
  • I can’t believe that we are through with spring break.  Both my kiddos are planning for prom (yes both) and both will have school trips at the end of the school year (one to Costa Rica and then other to San Fran) and before we know it, school will be over!  HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE?
  • Class of 2019 We want you!  We are throwing an event just for you…so you can learn all about our senior pictures and how they work…there’s also going to be prizes, hair and make up tips and a fashion show. So much fun!  We will have all the details at the end of the month, but make sure you stay posted!
  • Belly & Baby workshop…one spot left!

So this BEAUTIFUL family participated in one of my orchard sessions this past month.  I met mom earlier in the year as she is a fellow photographer and just the most amazing sweet soul!  When they arrived, it was like my heart skipped a beat!  Her choice of outfits for these beautiful sessions was simply perfect!  Romantic, soft and neutral!  Their family was awesome to work with and I’m so in love with their family orchard pictures.  I even just ordered one of them super big for my studio. Thank you so much Tobias family for allowing me the joy of capturing your beautiful family!

peach orchard sessionmebane family pictures2018-04-11_0005greensboro family pictures2018-04-11_00072018-04-11_00082018-04-11_0009family photographer burlington nc2018-04-11_00112018-04-11_0012beautiful family pictures elonelon photographerelon peach orchard family pictures



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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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