WoW…it’s been a couple of crazy weeks. Recovering from major surgery (unexpected), rescheduling 22 sessions, dealing with some family situations that needed priority, and all the stuff that comes with fall! I’m thankful for an awesome support system and there have been days, being honest, that I just wanted to crawl in a hole and cry, but I can start to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
I wanted to just do some housekeeping here!
- Santa Pictures! (They are all booked and we can’t wait to share!)
- Webinar …super excited about this! We will be hosting our first ever webinar on DEFINING YOUR STYLE! Details for this will be posted Monday and this is not just for photographers!
- Beach Sessions! We wrapped these up this past week…what an amazing summer! Over 40 families from all over the states that were in front of our lens…we have so many to share over the next few months!
- OIB Sessions. We are going to do some mini sessions while we will be at OIB or Holden for Thanksgiving! These will be Friday after thanksgiving! (email the studio for details) but they will be 20 min sessions and perfect for getting updated family pictures Christmas!
- Senior Pictures! WOW, this year has been hopping! I’m so blown away with all the seniors we’ve had in front of our camera. At this point, we are scheduling seniors for spring and a few who want winter (which are super fun…camp fires, woodsy etc)
- Camera Class (trying to find a date for this…will try to get one more in this year before Christmas)
This beautiful young lady was a part of our teen shoot at Ocean Isle! How blessed Kara and I were to be able to meet and work with her! I just love those big brown eyes and wait to you see her dance pictures! Thank you miss Olivia for being a part! We loved every minute with you!