One of the questions I get asked all the time is “how do your clients find you” and to be honest, most of my current clients are based on word of mouth (which is awesome) but that doesn’t always work, especially if you are starting out. With that said, you want to drive future clients to your website..which should be the one stop shop for them to learn about you and your product. That can be easier said than done, but there are a few things that you can do that will help to increase your web traffic.
- Post Often: What does that mean, well, the bottom line is that the more new content you have, the more people will be engaged. They want to see what you have and what you are doing. This is the hardest step I believe! It has to be strategic, thought out and executed. You need to have what we call an editorial calendar that will help you plan out what you want to post and say when. Make sure your content is written to a specific audience and interesting!
- Link to Social Media: This is the number one thing that I do that helps drive traffic. The more I link the higher my stats are. That means that all my content on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest etc is all intertwined. This helps with SEO, but it also helps as the number one goal for you in online presence is having people share your content. The easiest way for this to happen is 1. to have content that is interesting and 2 to link to social sites.
- Build a community: The more you are engaged with others in your niche and the more you work together to promote each other the better. Things like linking to other posts from someone you love, or just commenting and sharing their posts or content. Creating a top 10 articles that you like on a certain subject and mentioning those in your business community in posts. All of this not only builds valuable relationships, but it also helps drive more people to you.
- Make sure you are Crawl-able: This means that all the sites that search you can do so effectively. Things like having longtail key words, good links that are active and not broken, having great back links (check out this article)
- Build an Email list: This is now becoming the number 1 way to increase website traffic. (I’m going to share a whole post on this later this week) but gather those emails from your site visitors and on all social platforms. Then yes, you have write and send emails to those addresses…but this will drive traffic to your site quicker than almost anything else. You can use a simple platform like Madmimi or Mailchimp to write and send your emails, and they also have ways of obtaining new subscribers.
There is so much to maintaining a website that is user friendly, that is appealing to your market and that has content that is sharable! I often say that my site is my third child as I have to baby and nurture it just like I do one of my children, but by doing some small steps, it will help you increase the traffic, which will result in more clients.
Switching gears (there’s so much to share these days as we have been so busy and the studio has so much going on) but I recently had the opportunity to photograph this sweet girl! It wasn’t the first time, and over the years of working with their family, I continue to love every minute of working with them! Miss Addison is not only beautiful as you will see, but just the sweetest young lady with a big heart! I was thrilled when she participated in our last teen shoot. Her inner spirit just shines through and creates this beauty that is just stunning! Addison, I hope you realize how gorgeous you are and more importantly, you have a beautiful heart!
Thank you so much to Rachel McConoughey for second shooting and to Katy Doss (that’s the first time I’ve typed her married name 🙂 for the fabulous hair and make up!