Happy Tuesday! I’m so excited …why? because I get to share with you something that I’m passionate about, something that I hope will help you, something that will hit you right where you are today. You are sitting there saying “I know there are things I should be doing as a small business owner, but I’m just not sure where to start” well right here! Here’s a simple check list of things you can do TODAY..right NOW!
1. Make 3 goals for yourself for this week: Yes, you heard me. Sit down (right now if you have to) and write down 3 things that you want to do this week that you know will help you build your business. I’m not talking huge, ground shaking goals, but realistic things that you can obtain. For me:
- Organize the Luncheon that we’re hosting at the studio for Women Entrapanures and Small Business Owners in Alamance County!
- Begin to tighten up my SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and apply all the wonderful things I learned from the fabulous Krista Jones to the past 20 blog posts
- write and post my mission statement
2. Sign up for social media accounts: Are you on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google + Pinterest? If you are not on all of these, you need to be! I can’t stress how important it is. (more to come on this at a later date)
3. Have lunch or coffee with another business owner: You should be about building community, about learning from others, about giving back to others. I know you think “well they don’t want to have lunch with me” but they do! I promise, because, being in small business is often lonely, it can be energy sucking, and you need to hang around like minded people to help refuel you! You will come away feeling inspired and ready to do more.
4. Think of one (not implement) but think marketing idea that will stretch you: Meaning one that you have not done, one that is a little risky, one that scares you. Just think about it, write it down, what you would need to do if you were to implement it.
5. If you have a website, run Peek on it. This is not a set in stone sure fire test, but it will give you a good idea of how user friendly your website is. And let’s face it, if it’s not user friendly, then your readers/future clients can’t figure out how to find the information they need…they will get frustrated and leave. Peek will give you some helpful feedback!
6. Find a Business Website that inspires you: It’s really good to find some small business sites that you can turn to for inspiration and guidance about all things business. We all get “stuck” and need ideas as to how to spring board us forward (just like I hope this post does) there are so many great resources out there. Find a few, mark them so you can go back and read. I will admit, this is something that I need to do as well.
7. Get organized: This can be ongoing, but for now, just clean up your desk top (if it’s like mine it’s a mess) make sure your calendar is up to date and that is syncs with your mobile devices, make sure your most used files are in a easy to get spot, have an ongoing to do list that you can update and view easily. I can’t tell you how much this will help you. Just spend 1 hour today and 1 hour tomorrow organizing things to make sense for you!
8. Join a Business Small group or forum: Now lets face it, sometimes this can be time suckers…you can get caught up in answering so many posts that you don’t pay attention to your tasks of running your business. These groups though, can be so important…there are tons of them. If you are on Facebook there are often small groups that are so specific to your needs. For instance, I have a friend who is in a group for newborn photographers with home studios. Can you imagine how much valuable information is in that group (lighting, set ups, prop ideas, basic photography info and so much more) So when she has a question about buying a specific backdrop for her home studio, don’t you think that it would save her a ton of time just heading to that group than researching in online? Most likely yes! Another great example a friend of mine is a designer (of cloth) she’s on a group where people just post material that they want to sell and get rid of…usually a discount. How helpful! So go join a group! (if you can’t find one that you think will meet your needs start one! )
9. Sign up to get involved in a Community Service: Your community needs you, if you want your community to be involved in you then you need to be involved in your community. This goes farther than your church, or school…this means find a organization or non profit or find a need on your own and get involved. Your business can sponsor an event and you can organize your friends and co-workers to be a part. Not only is it great PR for you, but you will be building relationships that will at some point be beneficial. I PROMISE! Call your chamber or United Way and find out how you can volunteer! (it doesn’t have to be $$$…but your time)
10: Take Care of YOU: I know you are rolling your eyes..thinking, how am I going to do the above if I’m “taking care of me” it doesn’t have to be huge time…but just a few moments where you can call you own. Your business will be better if you are not fragmented and running crazy. I’m learning this in HUGE way, but it’s so important. So I challenge you to find something that you love to do. Reading, crafting, shopping whatever…and carve out some time to do it!
I want to hear from you! What are some areas that you are struggling in and that you would like some help with as you grow and move forward in your business! I’m here to help…so email me!