Tips on Taking Better Beach Photos: Holden Beach Photographer

I get asked all the time, how do your beach pictures look like they do…no one else’s compare (which to me is a huge compliment…and I think there are many that compare) but I also think that there are tips and tricks as in any speciality and NOT everyone can capture beautiful beach pictures or a family beach session.  There really is a method to my madness.  But I thought I would share a few tips for you as you prepare to take your families pictures at Holden Beach or wherever you vacation.

LIGHT:  It’s the key!  too much of it will make your images too bright and you will have people squinting.   I often tell my clients that a overcast day is a great day for family beach pictures.  Light is what makes my images dreamy…it’s what gives them that soft look.  Light is so important.

CONNECTION:  Capture your family at the beach showing connection.  You don’t want stiff pictures where everyone is standing…connection is what makes family pictures at the beach special.

AT PLAY:  formal pictures are beautiful and definitely have their place, but more lifestyle candid shots are is how you will remember your time together.  Don’t worry about everyone looking directly at the camera don’t worry about the perfect angle, just capture them playing.  I promise you, they will be some of your favorites.

WHAT YOU WEAR:  Don’t worry about all wearing white…or all going matchy matchy…color is beautiful on the beach.




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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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