Tips for your Beach Session! Holden Beach Photographer

It’s beach season, we are in the throws of Holden beach family pictures, and so excited to begin to share them with you! We actually are not just a Holden Beach…we’ve been to down to Charleston and up to OBX

We send out a welcome box from the studio as soon as our client’s book, one of the info cards that we include, is a “tips for your beach session” After years of shooting at the coast and working with families, we have a few things that we think might help as you prepare for your session!  (hopefully with us)

  • Pull Hair Back:  Bring something to pull back long hair (especially little ones) You’re at the beach, it’s windy, plan for that!   Yes, we love long flowy beach hair, but you don’t want hair in your eyes, or across your face in your pictures.  We typically can adjust for wind, but it’s harder with little ones so please, plan for a headband, or a clip.  I’ve had to give my sunglasses a few times to hold hair back!  By the way, you want the wind, because otherwise, you’ll have bugs 🙂
  • Ruffles: right now, ruffle shirts/dresses off the shoulders are really popular.  They are beautiful, but the ruffle will blow up in the wind.  (that dang wind 🙂 I’ve been known to use gum to hold down ruffles, (mainly around your face) so just think about that when choosing outfits
  • Do Not Lotion!  I know you want smooth legs, but if you lotion, you will have sand sticking to your legs and arms.  I promise you won’t be able to tell if you don’t have it on in your images, but you can tell if you have caked on sand.
  • Bloomers:  Please do not forget bloomers for little girls.  I’ll have them in the sand, sitting, and it’s not always easy for them to keep their little legs closed, so unless you want to see diapers (and that blue stripe if they are wet) bring bloomers.
  • Don’t wear shoes:  I always think this is a given, but more and more, I have clients with shoes.  You’re at the beach…take those shoes off!  (unless for balance purposes you need them)
  • Stand behind the Photographer;  If you are a parent and you are trying to get your littles to smile, please please please, stand right behind the photographer.  I can’t tell you how many great smiles I’ve missed because the child is looking at their daddy or mommy who is standing to the side of me.
  • Remember everything clings on the Beach;  Yes, that wind again!  So I’m going to try to say this as PC as I can.  If you are at all worried about any extra weight (which you shouldn’t) but if you are, please know that the wind will blow clothes so that they look clingier.  This goes for both men and women!  Why we recommend button-downs for men (no man boobs) and flowy dresses for women.
  • Longer Dresses are better:  So if you are shooting with me, I will have you on the ground, in the sand, squatting etc…we have more flexibility if you have a long dress on.  Plus, flowy dresses on the beach are amazing!  (don’t worry about them getting wet)

I was thrilled to meet this sweet family at Holden beach for the family session!  Their kids are all grown, they’ve been vacationing at Holden for years and were celebrating Mom’s birthday!  What a special gift!

tips for a beach sessiontips for a beach sessiontips for a beach sessionHolden Beach family picturesHolden Beach family picturesHolden Beach family picturesHolden Beach family pictures





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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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