I grew up in church with this family, the parents were my parents Sunday school teachers (The Boomers Class) I remember their kids, now parents of their own, roaming the church halls in their Royal Ranger and Missionette outfits and their family name has always been synonmous with servanthood! My fondest memory (they probably don’t know), is that one February, Chris and I (pretty newly married) attended a marriage weekend with Family Life, it was a difficult time in our lives, not for us and our relationship, but just our circumstances were really difficult and life was hard (as life is). Anyway, at this conference, they asked the men who wanted to be better leaders, who needed a touch from God, who wanted more than anything to have God lead their family, to get a rose and give it to their spouse. My Chris did that. I later found out that Mr Kitchen, saw Chris do that, and prayed for us, prayed for God’s protection and provision in our lives, something that we desperately needed and God was faithful. You know, we never know the impact we have on the people we meet, but this family, I know has touched my family, but I know so many others!
It was a complete honor when they asked me to capture their family, all of them! I’m so thrilled to be able to share their images and the love and connection that they share with each other! Their session was filled with lots of laughter and sweet smiles!
Thank you so much John and Diane, for being the light that you are, and the legacy you are imparting to your beautiful children, grand children and those around you and for letting me capture that just for one afternoon!