Happy New Year

In this space that I love so dearly but have neglected for months, I feel that I need to give it some love!
I am going into my 18th year of business and close to that of blogging! That is a LONG time friends…a LONG time!

I was chatting with a friend/fellow photographer today and of course goals and dreams for 2024 came up, if I’m honest, I’ve avoided the “new year, new me” mentality or “my word is” not because I don’t love those, but because I’m just at a loss. For the first time in my life as a business owner I have no idea what I’m doing or where I’m going, so Ive dreaded the new year lingo and lists and resolutions and all the things.

I normally embrace all things New Year, I love setting goals, and dreaming and planning. I love creating new content and figuring out ways to accomplish my goals, I love lists and checking things off as I move forward….BUT that’s not where I am right now.

You know what? It’s okay to not have it all planned out for 2024, heck its okay if you don’t have it all planned out for this week. We go through seasons, times when things just fall into place seamlessly and we put one foot in front of the other and we make so much progress (this can be both professionally or personally) but there are other times, like where I am now, where just getting up, keeping little humans alive, and making sure everyone gets to where they need to be is all we can do, let alone think about big plans for this year.

Please hear me when I say friend, You are okay, don’t let anyone tell you that you have to do this this and this in order to be something special. Don’t fall prey to looking at that influencer or even the person you admire and feel less than because you don’t have it together like they do. YOU DONT HAVE TO! You are where you are suppose to be because God has you where HE wants you and that my friends is the best place to be.

If this resonates with you, please know you are not alone!
Know that you are okay without having it all figured out
The part that is unsettling is the place where you learn to cling onto Him for survival you see, you don’t hold on as tight when you know where you next step is, but when you don’t know, you cling and grip tight and that is when the Father says “I HAVE YOU”.

Dear friend, it’s okay, He has you!!! Rest tonight knowing that whatever it is, whatever you don’t know, the God of this universe does and He has you!!!


Just sharing an Ocean Isle family Beach session….just because!



Let’s Connect


Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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