Burlington Photographer: Teen Shoots and Why I love them!

Someone recently asked me what was my favorite thing about my job, and there are several things that I absolutely adore, being able to set my own schedule, seeing the results of what I’ve been able to build (through the grace of God). photographing families when I know the images have a special meaning and so many more. However, one of my absolute favorite things is taking pictures of young people, especially girls.  Senior pictures and teen/tween shoots!  We live in a society where everything is so visual.  Our kids are inundated with what they should or shouldn’t be all the time.  They have peers who are posting their “highlight reel” all the time and more often than not, our kids, our teens are not able to get a break from all of that.  They wake up, look at their phone or iPad and see what their friends are wearing or (not wearing) and immediately they have a self-judgment.  There is so much pressure on them, even at the earliest of years.  So when I have the opportunity to show teenagers how truly beautiful they are (because they are amazingly beautiful), it makes my heart so happy.   I just love that I have become a teen and senior photographer.

The process of one of these shoots (our Teen Shoots) is so much fun.  Hair and makeup (that is age appropriate) to start with.  We have several awesome artists that we work with!  Then we help to choose outfits for what looks best in front of the camera and even better when they come with a “plan” for their custom shoot! I love it, because my goal is to capture their personality, the specific stage in life, and hopefully glimpses of their heart!  They often come into the studio just a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect, but by the end, we are rocking and rolling and they are comfortable.  Then….the fun of seeing their pictures!

I will continue to do hold the teen/tween shoots for as long as I continue to shoot!

Why are these shoots so fun?  Because what girl doesn’t like to get all dressed up, wear her favorite outfits, have her hair and makeup done by a professional stylist and have some awesome pictures to show for it?  We think that every girl needs to experience this at least once…why?

  • It boosts self-esteem
  • It’s a great way to document milestones (getting braces off, starting high school, sweet 16 etc)
  • A great way to update individual pictures
  • Is a great Christmas or birthday present we’ll even send you a gift wrapped up all pretty with all the information for you to give!
  • A fun thing to do with a BFF or two!

Here are the details!

  • You bring some of your favorite outfits to the shoot and we’ll help you style them, giving you 3 different looks.
  • Hair and make up will be done by one of our amazing make up artist and they’ll even change out your look too.
  • We shoot all around in our favorite spots, making sure you get some great pictures
  • We send you 15 digital images in your own app for you to print and share as you wish
  • $350 ($150 holds your spot)
  • NEXT SHOOT IS JUNE 25th! Register HERE! (we are already nearly booked with only 2 spots left)

I’m super excited about sharing this sweet young lady’s teen shoot pictures!  This sweet young lady came prepared!  I loved the fact that she incorporated things that she loves!  Harry Potter (some of my favorite shots) Acting and Unicorns!  She was so much fun and I LOVE every single one of her pictures!

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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