Bundle of Sweetness and information about Newborn Photography: Newborn Photographer Burlington NC

Ahhh newborns.  When I began working with newborns over 8 years ago, I never thought that they would become one of the focuses of my studio.  Everyone always asks me “don’t you just love working with babies?” the answer is yes, but it’s hard work.  Newborn’s are so rewarding and I love every minute of it, but there is so much behind the scenes that goes into each session.

One of the reasons that I love my studio, is that it’s a perfect place for these sessions.

  • comfortable seating for mom and dad’s to relax and watch us work our magic
  • all the props that you can imagine right at our finger tips
  • blanks and hats galore (we have oodles) I think the last count I had over 100 blankets to choose from for your little ones portraits
  • loads of space, we are not all on top of each other, we can spread out.  It’s wonderful because it gives us plenty of space to work and our clients plenty of space to relax.
  • Beverage station complete with coffee and soft drinks
  • nursery for changing and feeding
  • temperature, we know the perfect temp to keep your baby toasty while we work and we can set it ahead of time.
  • Product display.  While you are watching us snuggle and pose your baby, you can look through all our beautiful products, albums, wall galleries and so much more.
  • Amy, my assistant.  She’s amazing with these babies.  Well she’s amazing anyway!

All of this is why we care so much about your new baby.  We care about their safety, we care that you are comfortable during your session, we care that each placement and pose is just perfect and not rushed.   We care that fingers are placed just perfectly and that faces are seen, we care that your baby looks natural and comfortable and not in positions that are not natural.  We care that the props and blankets are soft and organic.  We use small delicate knits by some of the industry’s best designers.  We want the props, wraps, hats to enhance your baby, not overwhelm.

We take this so seriously and realize that it’s an investment for your family, but one that we hope you will cherish for years.  We feel so privileged that we are able to do something that we love and feel that it shows through our work.

If you are expecting we want you to know a few things:

  • Our Lullaby Club is extremely popular among parents for newborn pictures
  • we’d love to have you visit our studio and see what all the buz is about

This bundle of sweetness graced our studio a few months ago, she was squishy and beautiful and was easy to pose.  We loved welcoming her family to the studio and capturing this very special time in her life!

Thank you C. family for joining the Sara-Anne Photography family, we adore baby Ella and can not wait to capture her this first year!

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