Beautiful Family….Beautiful Session: Myrtle Beach Photographer

Someone asked me a few days ago “if you were to speak to your self 10 years ago, 5 years ago and 2 years ago….what would you say”

I thought this was a very great question, and I posed it to my Tuesday’s Together group…but I also thought I would share my answers with you as well.

10 years ago:  I was just starting my journey as a photographer, working both a day job that I didn’t like (hated to be honest) and trying to figure out this world of business and photography.  I was killing myself as I was working several jobs (including photography) but one thing that I would say to the me 10 years ago is.  Take as much in and learn as much as you can from business individuals, not photographers.  Why do I say this? because running a successful photography studio is so much more about the business than the photography.  The business is the part that will drive you crazy, that can hurt you if you don’t cross your “t” and dot your “i”.  The business part is truly what will make you stand apart…yes you can have amazing images, but so many do, but how many can say they run a successful, thriving, stand along business for 10 years?  So find mentors in business that you look up to and trust.  Build relationships with other business owners that have different skill sets, take classes, read, attend workshops…not so much on the craft, but on the business!

5 years ago:  I had just won my studio in a contest for small business, I was on a huge personal journey with my weight, our situation at my husband’s job was not good and I was lonely…even though all these great things were happening around me, I was in a very lonely place.  I would tell myself, build meaningful friendships.  I know that I wasn’t created to be an island, and having friends that are truly there through thick and thin is so important, and I didn’t realize how much then.  I would also tell myself that hard times come, but you are strong enough to get through them.  You will rise above and not be defeated.   Looking back, this is something that I think all business owners need to know.   Life isn’t just rainbows and butterflies, and especially in business.  There are times when it’s really hard, when you feel like you are drowning and you will not make it, but YOU WILL!

1 year ago: This brings tears to my eyes, I would tell myself a year ago, you are nothing (and I don’t mean that in a degrading way) but so much of what we do as business owners is gear ourselves up, is to recognize how much we have done and to constantly be our own cheerleader to keep motivated.  But I have realized this year, I truly am nothing.  Nothing that I have accomplished is because of me…it’s ALL because of a graceful and merciful God who has blessed me beyond belief.  When you have found success, it’s hard to stay humble and I would tell the me of me 1 year ago, remember to always be humble!  Humility is not only more attractive, it helps us keep our focus on where it should be!

I wonder how you would answer this?  even if you are not in business, what are the morsels of advice that you would tell yourself a few years ago?

It’s been busy busy in the studio, and our beach sessions are nearly all booked (unless you want a October date) and we are close to being booked for the rest of the year (AMAZING) so if you are interested in a fall date, please email the studio at

I had the awesome joy of photographing this beautiful family while they were on vacation at Myrtle Beach.  What a fun session!  The light was perfect, mom choose beautiful pallet to wear, and we got some really fun images (I love the ones in the life guard chair)  Super fun!  Thank you so much Bond family for allowing me to work with you once again!  Enjoy!

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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