A Few Tips When Getting Ready for Pictures: Chapel Hill Photographer

I’m always getting asked about how to prepare for pictures, what things are important and how mom’s can prepare their kids.  Let’s face it, it can be stressful and often mom’s bear the brunt of it!  I thought before I shared an amazing teen portrait session, that I would share a few tips to help those of you who are planning for pictures!

  •  Explain the process to your family!  So often, it’s because kids or even dads (yes dad) don’t know what to expect that they get anxious and nervous, and then that sometimes means grumpy!  If you can share with them…
    • We are going to get dressed up
    • We will meet the photographer at this park where you can explore
    • It will be really fun
    • They will take pictures of you by yourself, but then we’ll do some as a family and even maybe a few of just me and dad
    • If you listen really well to the photographer, then it will go really quickly and then maybe we’ll go and get some ice cream after!
      by explaining it, it just sets expectations and I always feel kids (and dads) do better
  • Be prepared!  Bring water, tissues, a clean snack (like crackers) a favorite toy (if you have little ones, toys that are loud to get attention are great) Also bring your Childs “favorite” a brush and even some extra hair ties!  I always have wipes, safety pins and water!
  • Relax!  Okay moms, I’m talking to you!  You’ve heard “if momma aint happy no on is”  well that is definitely true for photo sessions.  If you are my clients, you have nothing to worry about!  I have NEVER…listen NEVER had a session where I had to re-do it because of children that don’t behave!  In my 10 years…1500 plus sessions…it’s always worked out!  Even when I’ve had an un-happy child, or a clingy one…I always get great shots!  So don’t fret, your photographer is a pro, that’s why you’ve hired them!  Your kids are not any different than any other kids and they know how to work with them!  So relax and trust and know that if you are stressed, everyone else will be too!
  • Don’t tell your child to say cheese!  Please don’t tell them to do that…I want natural smiles, ones that I get by asking them if they tooted or if I have a booger on my head.
  • Rewards are GREAT!  Yes, sometimes a trip for ice cream or even a small toy works wonders and often will help keep a child on track for our time together!

Hopefully these things will help just a bit.  We are in the throws of busy seasons (most photographers are) and so anything that you can do ahead of time to ease the stress will help everyone!

I’m so excited about sharing this beautiful young lady’s teen shoot!  And I have to say…she has the best shoes!  But just look at how much fun we had…so many different shots, styles, looks..it’s one of the thing I love the most about these sessions!  Thank you so much Alexis for letting your personality shine so bright in your session, you are simply beautiful!

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