I’m realizing that we are never really prepared for the mountains that come our way, we are often given these “paths” with unexpected turns and twists and I firmly believe it’s to keep us totally dependent on God. We truck along, so often in our own strength and wisdom and keep going until wham…we get hit with a roadblock that knocks us on our proverbial rear end and looking only up! That my friends is kind of where I’ve been the last few weeks. Coasting, just doing life, and then WHAM! speed bumps! (parents aging and health issues) something life doesn’t prepare you for and when it hits, you never feel so ill-equipped! I’ve spent the last few weeks going between Northern VA and home as my father has had some medical issues that have left him not being able to be alone. It’s so hard to watch those you love in pain, but I will say, when the person who has always been your “rock” the strong one in your life, can not be that, it is really hard. I’m learning to lean on God in a new way, to realize that He has a plan, He has a purpose and we are in the palm of his hand. I struggle with being torn between my family (husband and kids) and my dad…where is that balance? I’m thankful though, thankful for a job that allows me to travel, thankful for a husband and kids who are flexible, thankful for a tiny break in the schedule (this is spring break and I originally had planned on being off) thankful for the love of a father who appreciates every little thing and thankful for being around the best doctors and surgeons!
So that’s where I am right now…but I have had lots of time to work and play catch up with all the editing!
Super excited to announce our next teen/tween shoot dates! April 22nd (1 spot left) or May 20th (4 spots left)
Why are these shoots so fun? Because what girl doesn’t like to get all dressed up, wear her favorite outfits, have her hair and makeup done by a professional stylist and have some awesome pictures to show for it? We think that every girl needs to experience this at least once…why?
- It boosts self-esteem
- It’s a great way to document milestones (getting braces off, starting high school, sweet 16 etc)
- A great way to update individual pictures
- Is a great birthday present!
- A fun thing to do with a BFF or two!
Here are the details!
- You bring some of your favorite outfits to the studio and we’ll help you style them, giving you 3 different looks.
- Hair and make up will be done by one of our amazing makeup artists and they’ll even change out your look too.
- We shoot all around in our favorite spots, making sure you get some great pictures
- We send you 15 digital images for you to print and share as you wish
- $299 ($150 holds your spot)
- To register for our next date click here!
Now, I’m so excited to share the latest images from our last teen shoot. This beautiful young lady has been in front of our lens several times and each time I enjoy getting to know her more and more! She’s growing up to be a beautiful young lady. A huge thank you to Adrienne Coggnins from the Loft Styling Studio (which is right downtown) who did the hair and make up for our shoot! She’s amazing!