What Monday’s Look Like: Burlington NC Family Photographer

Happy Monday!  It’s been a low key weekend for me for the most part, I’ve been batting some yucky sickness, but that has kept me in the bed (except for two shoots that I had to get in) and being able to catch up on quite a bit…sleep for one, and also loads of business stuff that has taken the back burner during this past crazy summer!

Someone asked me, what does a typical Monday look like for you?  I thought for a second and realized that for the most part, Monday’s are “MY” day…I really try to protect them.  I’ve usually spent the previous weekend shooting and doing viewing sessions.   I also have two busy teen agers that need me to shuffle them from here to there…so the weekends are never quiet.  I have learned to try to make Mondays my quiet office day.  So a typical Monday looks like the following:

  • 6:00: wake up and get kiddo’s ready for their day
  • 7:30: cup of coffee in hand, (Mike and Mike on the TV) I start to answer all the emails from the weekend.  (As a promise to my family, I have tried really hard to not answer emails on the weekends)
  • 10:00: I blog for the week…I write at least 3 blog posts and schedule them to post during the week.  (I will say the last few weeks I’ve been off track with this) but usually this works great and its a way for me to check something off the preverbal “to-do” list.  Blogging is so important and so it’s a must for Mondays!
  • noon:  Make lunch and answer more emails
  • 1:00:  Place any orders that need to be placed.  (I try to do orders on Monday’s and Fridays…my typical days for not shooting) I do have orders every week and sometimes, like this morning, it involved designing several albums, ordering prints, canvases (I ordered 8 this morning) and formatting flash drives.
  • 4:00:  I take a break to do family stuff (usually on Monday’s I have a crock pot meal cooking and neither of the kids have extra cireculear actives so it’s a quiet day all around)
  • 8:00  I start to edit.  I try to edit one client gallery a day (it typically takes about 3 hours for a family session) Our typical scene in our house, is me on the couch with my iMac, my hubs is in his chair and he’s studying (graduate school) and the kids are either doing homework or chilling.  We are usually watching sports (during the fall football) or some of our favorite shows  (Cold Justice, Blue Bloods, Rookie Blue, you can see what we like) For me, having the TV while working really helps…its just my way.
  • 11:00: Bed (At least I try to)

Monday’s are a down day…and because life is so crazy the other days, I have learned to really cherish them!

One of the things I did today, was to process this sweet family’s order!  LOVE LOVE LOVE their session!  When mom contacted me and said she wanted pictures of their family (including their 3 month old) I was super excited.  I hardly ever get a chance to photography babies on the beach, and I love it!  Their images are so endearing with so much connection and love!   Thank you so much S family for giving me the opportunity to work with you at Holden Beach!  You are a beautiful family and I adored your session!

burlington nc baby photographernewborn photographer burlington ncholden beach photographerocean isle beach photographer2015-08-31_00152015-08-31_00142015-08-31_00132015-08-31_00122015-08-31_00023 month session burlington nc2015-08-31_00092015-08-31_0008burlington nc photographerburlington nc photogrpaher2015-08-31_00052015-08-31_00042015-08-31_00032015-08-31_0001



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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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