Tid Bits and Looking Forward: Hyco Lake Photographer

It’s been hectic…maybe it’s the beginning of the school year and end of summer or maybe it’s just because our schedule has been insane, but whatever it is, we are up to our eyeballs!  This beach season has been the busiest one ever and we have basically lived at the coast all summer.  Right now, we are trying to get in the last of the sessions before Dorian arrives (fingers crossed)

We are so behind on sharing client sessions, I mean, SO behind!  But I’m working on it, I promise!

I’ve also been experiencing some health issues and trying to get those under control …it’s never easy to have to spend hours at specialist, but its’ one of those things that if I ignore it,  it will not be good 🙁

Fall is quickly approaching and our fall dates are almost ALL full!  CRAZY town, but good!  Lots of seniors, a few families, and some other fun sessions!  If you are interested in getting on our fall calendar, here’s our a simple contact form to get the process started!

I had the awesome opportunity of capturing this sweet family at a place that is special to them!  It’s always a joy, when a family invites me into their space, a place that holds precious memories and we can create even more!  They are beautiful inside and out and those kiddos are growing into such amazing young people!  So much fun photographing them surf, enjoy the boat, jumping off the roof and just hanging out in the back yard!   Again, capturing generations is one of my all-time favorite things to do as a photographer and this session was super special!

hyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake surfing pictureshyco lake family pictureshyco lake family pictureshyco lake family picturesfamily pictures hyco lake



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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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