Someone Turned One! First Birthday Pictures Burlington NC

How are you?  Truly…if I were to sit down with you and ask you “how are you?” what would your answer be?   Would it be

  • I’m exhausted
  • I am so lonely
  • I’m doing really well right now
  • My kids are driving me crazy
  • I’m just coasting right now

When someone asks us how we are usually we have a rote answer…”i’m good”  In our family, it’s always “I’m fine”  and then I have to really dig in order to get the real answers.  For my daughter, it’s just a matter of time before she talks and talks and talks and tells me everything.  For my son, well, I have to ask a thousand questions in order to get the information that I really want to know.  For my husband, its the intital “i’m fine” and then after a few moments he’ll start to talk.  But for all of us, we all have different ways that we answer the question.

Building relationships takes so much more than just “how are you”  One of the things I love about my Lullaby Club baby planners is that I truly get to know them ….we are more than just a “how are you…and a I’m fine” relationship.  They truly become part of the Sara-Anne Photography family.  This family, especially mom, has been just that.  I have cried with her during some deep pain and I have rejoiced in great joys.  I have loved watching and capturing her sweet baby girl grow and feel as though I truly could spend hours chatting with her.

For me, my clients are so much more.  I love each of them, I love seeing about their family vacations and their kids accomplishments, I love that when they have special life’s moments I’m the one they call to capture it.  I so enjoy seeing even 3, 4 or 6 years later, they post our session images as precious memories.  You see, when you book me as your photographer, it’s so much more…you are kind of stuck with me 🙂

So like I mentioned…I’ve had the joy of capturing this sweet little one since the day they brought her home.  Just look how much she’s grown and her little personality is just shinning!  (I haven’t shared her 6 month pictures yet…but I will soon as they are some of my absolute favorite from this past fall)  Bless you little B…you are just sweet as sugar and I have loved photographing you as you have changed so much!

Just a quick housekeeping note…if you haven’t seen it, we posted our Orchard Session information

Her newborn session
2016-02-16_0001As part of the Lullaby Club, each client gets an heirloom print from each session (matted) Mom choose to document her feet…so she has 3 black and white images of her sweet piggy toes throughout the first precious




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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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