All Things Newborns! Burlington NC Newborn Photographer

Good Tuesday Morning!  It’s been crazy here at our abode!  trips back and forth to the DC area, lots of family sessions (amazing family sessions) meetings and so much more!

We’ve had a lot of maternity clients lately…which means a lot of babies coming our way soon 😉  That’s so exciting!  I love working with these sweet clients and their families.  I wanted to do a few educational posts about newborns and why it’s so important when choosing a newborn photographer.  I was visiting with a friend the other day and she said “hey…will you check out my friends photography and let me know what you think about her newborn pics…the babies just don’t look right”  well she was right…the babes were posed in positions that we not safe for the baby, put in boxes in a not safe way and the baby’s saftely was not first priority.  This is such an issue with all the new photographers out there…they want so badly to try the “popular” poses, but they don’t know how to do them….they think that by just looking at an image they can imitate it and achieve those shots…but they don’t have the training or experience to do so and it’s NOT SAFE for your baby!  So here are a few things that I feel you should ask when having your baby photographed…by anyone!

How long have you been working with newborns?  So many photographers are just starting out (which is great) but they have no experience with newborns and they want so badly to work with these precious little clients …so they will photograph friends babies and such…but they don’t know what they are doing.  We all had to start somewhere and I remember my very first newborn session, but I never tried to put the baby in a basket (one of the hardest things to do) or prop her hands on her head (as I didn’t know how to do it)  Over time I’ve gained experience and have become a master at working with newborns but it’s taken years…yes years!

What is their training?  Some photographers are self taught and that’s okay but many of us have invested lots of time and money on training to learn how to do what we do.  From some of the best and most talented newborn photographers in the world…that training is invaluable!  It can not be replaced.  When I have clients who come into the studio and leave being amazed at how well things go…at how I’m able to get their precious babies to sleep and keep them asleep…and why I know just what to do when the baby does start fussing?  It’s because I’ve been trained!  Nothing rattles me…and I’m just able to handle what is thrown at me because of that training.

Do they know what babies can do?  Does your photographer know that many babies just can not do some of those popular poses?  Do they know how to tell?  Do they know that some babies are born with broken collar bones (without being diagnosed) and therefore shouldn’t not be posed with hands under their head…there is so many things and clues that I have learned over the years and by talking to several pediatrician about babies and what is safe for them.

Do they know how to use their props?  Do they know how to make a basket or container safe for a newborn, what’s the best way to pose them, etc?  I can’t tell you how many I see online where the baby is obviously not comfortable or posed well.

Do they have help?  This is so important.  Especially for the new photographers as you need someone to help you, to spot the baby to have hands on them at all times.  There are times when my assistants cant be there and I will tell you, I don’t do any poses where the baby is at risk during those sessions.

Are they insured?  Yes, I know that’s scary, but so many photographers are not…and what if?  I hate to bring that up, but truly…you need to think about it?  What if?  You want your photographer insured.  Really…do you think that your “friend” who does photography on the side is insured?  It’s a risk and you need to be aware of it!

So I get asked about this pose often, though I don’t love to do it, I will for my clients, but it frustrates me so much when I see an image that I know is not a composite!

What is a composite?  It’s when you take two images (or more) and make one image…in the case of newborns, composites are often done (and should be done) for the sake of the baby…but composites have become very popular in modern photography to create art!  It takes time and knowledge to do so!  as you can see the baby’s head is ALWAYS supported…in this case my associate photographer Jennifer helped…

So as you prepare to have your newborn’s photos taken, please interview your photographer.  If they have the experience and knowledge of working with newborns, they will welcome it!

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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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