5 Things I’ve Learned from my Busy Season: Elon Photographer

It’s no secret that things have been busy…all good things, but very busy and sometimes very stressful.  Today, as I took a 20 min walk, I thought about what I’ve learned this busy beach season and what are things that I would do differently.   So here you go…the hard, but good lessons I learned

  • Being away from your spouse for weeks on end is not a good thing.  No matter how good your marriage is, it needs nurturing and you can’t do that effectively when you are 300 miles apart.  I’m so thankful for my husband and the ways he “holds down the fort” but whew…it’s hard to keep the home fires burning through texts and phone calls.
  • I need an office.  Next year, I will not do beach season without a designated office….with a working internet and my good computers etc…I just have to have those things in order to be productive.
  • I miss my kitchen.  I don’t cook a ton when I’m home, but I do miss being able to cook the things that I want when I want…like throw something in the crock pot or try a new recipe (have a huge craving for gaspacho and want to make it, but feel weird doing it in my in laws)  So the fact that I miss my kitchen should make me want to be in it more when I get back home right?  We’ll see 🙂
  • Having some comforts of home really helps.  you know..your own pillow, my lap desk, my comfy yoga pants etc…those things that really make you feel homey.  This time I even brought my favorite candle.
  • I need to communicate better with my team…they have really worked hard this summer to help me stay on track.  It’s been hard as things have all be up in the air at times and we don’t know who’s where and what, but I really couldn’t have made it without them and I’m so thankful.  Next year…we’ll be even more organized.

Now I get to share this beautiful young lady’s images…I’m so excited!  She’s just a ray of sunshine and she just won a huge dance competition…so we made sure we got some shots with her crown!




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Burlington, NC Newborn Photography, Chapel Hill Family photographer, Chapel Hill Senior Pictures, Greensboro Newborn Photogrpaher, Burlington Senior pictures, Holden Beach Photographer, Ocean Isle Beach Pictures, Mebane Newborn Photographer, Bald Head Island Photographer

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