25 Blogging Ideas for Photographeres: Greensboro Senior Pictures

I recently spoke at a meeting for creative business owners.  I shared about the importance of blogging and why it’s almost a MUST DO if you want to have any sort of a web presence where people can find you.  After chatting with some of these amazing people, I realized that two things hold them back from really blogging!  1. They don’t enjoy writing and find it laborious, and 2. They don’t know what to blog about!  So I thought I would share my list of 25 things that you as a creative can blog.  These are jumping points!  Use them, twist them, alter them to fit your needs, but if you did one of these a week, that would be almost a half of a year!

  1. Why you became a Photographer:  Get personal, share your story, what were the events that led up to why you do what you do.  If there is an image that just confirmed to you that you needed to enter this crazy industry, etc.
  2. Share a peek into your office:  What are the tools you use to do what you do (photoshop, lightroom, iMac, pro select, blog stomp etc) and why.  People want to know.
  3. How you find locations:  Share a bit about why locations are important and how you find the ones you have
  4. Share some time-saving tips that you do:  This can help anyone!  People love tips
  5. Feature a vendor that you love:  Share why you love them, why your clients should love them and make sure to link to them….like I did here
  6. Great photo gift ideas: This is great for November or close to a holiday.
  7. A day in the life of:  Lets face it, so many people are nosey…they want to know what you do and how you do it, don’t be afraid to document it and share
  8. Your loves: Share 5 things that you LOVE, your clients want to get to know you. These don’t have to be photography related, just something that you love
  9. Your favorite apps:  This is always a hit, there are so many apps out there…and readers always love reading more about apps that they can download for fun or work that will make their life better.
  10. A step by step edit of an image:  If you have an image that you love your editing process…make sure you save the image as you go and then share that.
  11. Feature a family’s story:  Get permission from a family to “tell their story”  ….pick a client that had a particular reason to do a photo session with you…and then share it!
  12. What to wear ideas for a specific season:  Readers always love this…for me its the number one question I get asked after the client books, so having some ideas for them really helps!  I did this here
  13. Wall Display ideas:  Create 5 -7 different wall displays (for canvas or prints) and share them!
  14. Feature a favorite product of yours:  I love sharing my products because they are beautiful and the best the industry offers.  Take some pictures of an album or a canvas and share it.
  15. What is your favorite lens:  They look to you as an expert and want to know what you think is best and what love about it!
  16. The difference in printing labs:  Order a print from 4 labs (consumer and then 3 professional) and show the difference and why you use who you use.
  17. How you back up your images:  This is another BIG question that I get…how do you back up your images.  Share this.  Your clients want to know!
  18. List the MUST HAVES that you bring to a shoot:  I always have water, chapstick etc…share these things and why
  19. Your favorite 5 industry quotes:  quotes are huge these days…with social media…share your top 5 and why you love them
  20. Share something that you have learned from a shoot:  lets face it, we are always learning, share what you are learning
  21. Give 3 tips that will change their pictures immediately
  22. Your 3 tips for sharp images: How do you make sure your images are tack sharp? Share them
  23. What you do for Self Care:  How you balance life in  busy season
  24. How you create a comfortable atmosphere for your clients:  We all have things we say to get our clients to relax, what are some of the things you do to connect?
  25. The anatomy of a session?  From start to finish, how does a session go for you…this is a great post to write because you can then send it to your future clients.

I’m super excited to share these amazing images of this gorgeous young lady!  I love her style, I love how comfortable she was in front of the camera, and I love that we were able to include things important to her (dance & her Pup) It was such a fun session…and an honor to work with such an amazing young lady.

School of the arts senior picturesWinston Salem Senior pictures school of the arts



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